Coffee Shop


Coffee Cupping

Hey coffee enthusiasts! Are you ready to dive into the fascinating world of coffee cupping? Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned coffee aficionado, coffee cupping is a fantastic way to explore the diverse flavors and aromas of different coffee beans. In this blog post, we'll break down the basics of coffee cupping in easy-to-understand language, so let's get started! What is Coffee Cupping? Coffee cupping is like a wine tasting but for coffee. It's a sensory evaluation process used by coffee …

Why GMAC is Your Coffee Destination for 2024?

Raise your mugs, coffee lovers! 2024 is here, and what better way to kick off the year than with a fresh, invigorating cup of quality brew? Look no further than GMAC, your one-stop shop for all things coffee! Whether you're a seasoned connoisseur, a casual cappuccino cruiser, or just starting your espresso odyssey, GMAC has something for every palate and every preference. We're not just talking your average supermarket beans here. We're talking hand-picked, ethically sourced, meticulously roasted perfection. We boast: A …

GMAC Coffee Seedlings Preparation For The Next Season

Welcome to the world of Green Mountain Arabica Coffee (GMAC), where every sip starts with a tiny seed and a whole lot of love! Today, we're taking you behind the scenes to explore the incredible journey of our coffee seedlings, from the moment they're chosen to the day they reach your cup. Step 1: Selecting the Perfect Bean It all begins with the bean. We hand-select only the finest Arabica coffee seeds, ensuring they meet our rigorous standards for quality and potential. These aren't your average supermarket beans – …

GMAC Supports Gasange Coffee Farmers Cooperative by providing Ejo Heza pension planning support

In a heartwarming initiative, GMAC recently visited the Gasange Cooperative of Coffee Farmers. This visit aimed to not only show support and solidarity but also to encourage the farmers to follow essential government safety guidelines, particularly focusing on "Ejo Heza" (pension planning) and insurance fees. GMAC, along with sector executives and other community leaders, joined hands with the cooperative members, demonstrating the company's commitment to the well-being of the local coffee farming community. GMAC's Commitment to the Community At GMAC, we firmly …
Coffee Shop

Mastering the Art of Coffee Cupping: Tips for the Perfect Brew

here's more to enjoying coffee than a quick morning pick-me-up. For coffee enthusiasts and professionals, coffee cupping is a serious business. It's a sensory evaluation process that allows you to savor and assess the unique flavors and aromas of coffee beans. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a novice, here are some tips to help you elevate your coffee cupping experience. 1. Choose High-Quality Beans: The foundation of any successful cupping session is the coffee beans themselves. Opt for freshly roasted …
Coffee Shop

Nurturing Growth and Resilience: GMAC’s “Mituelle de Sante” Initiative for Women Coffee Farmers

At GMAC (Green Mountain Arabica Coffee), we believe in the power of local communities and the potential of women farmers. Today, we had the privilege of taking a step towards supporting and motivating these incredible women by providing them with insurance fees as part of our "Mituelle de Sante" initiative. The Heart of Our Initiative: Supporting Women Farmers Coffee farming is an essential part of many rural communities in our region. However, it often involves numerous challenges, including unpredictable weather patterns, pests, …

Brewing Success: How to Produce Quality Coffee and Attract Customers for Your Coffee Business

Coffee is more than just a beverage; it's a daily ritual for millions of people around the world. For coffee businesses, producing quality coffee and attracting customers are the keys to success. In this blog, we'll explore the steps to create top-notch coffee and effective strategies to draw customers to your coffee business. Part 1: Crafting Quality Coffee Start with Fresh Beans: The foundation of great coffee is fresh, high-quality beans. Source beans from reputable suppliers, and ensure they are stored properly …

Nurturing Our Coffee Seedlings: A Journey of Growth

Nurturing Our Coffee Seedlings: A Journey of Growth Hey there, coffee enthusiasts! ☕️ At our coffee farm, we're on an exciting journey to nurture our precious coffee seedlings. It's a labor of love, patience, and dedication that we're thrilled to share with you. Join us as we take you behind the scenes of our coffee seedling care and growth process. 1. Selecting the Finest Seeds The journey begins with selecting the finest coffee seeds. We carefully handpick seeds from the healthiest coffee cherries, ensuring …
Coffee Shop

Why Wear Boots While Washing Coffee?

Standing in Water: Coffee beans are washed in large water tanks or channels during the washing process. Workers need to stand in this water as they agitate and stir the beans to remove the mucilage effectively. Boots protect their feet from prolonged exposure to water. Hygiene and Safety: Coffee washing stations can get quite messy. With beans, mucilage, and water all around, boots provide a barrier that helps maintain hygiene and prevents slipping accidents. Temperature Control: Depending on the region, coffee washing …
Gmac(green mountain arabica coffee)-sorting-coffee-beansAgriculture

The Art of Coffee Sorting: From Raw Beans to a Cup of Perfection

Coffee, a beloved elixir that graces our mornings and fuels our days, embarks on a remarkable journey from the plantations to our cups. At the heart of this journey lies a crucial yet often overlooked step: coffee sorting. In this blog, we delve into the intricate process that transforms freshly washed coffee beans into a cup of liquid art, and the energy and dedication it takes to achieve that perfect brew. The Labor-Intensive Task of Sorting Imagine a scene: a woman hunched …
GMAC(green mountain arabica coffee)-CuppingAgriculture

A Beginner’s Guide to Coffee Cupping: Steps and Techniques

Coffee cupping is a valuable practice used by coffee professionals and enthusiasts to evaluate and appreciate the various flavors, aromas, and nuances of different coffee beans. Whether you're a coffee connoisseur, a coffee shop owner, or simply someone curious about the art of coffee tasting, this blog post will walk you through the essential steps of a coffee cupping session. Step 1: Gathering the Tools: To conduct a successful coffee cupping, you'll need the following tools: Freshly roasted coffee beans: Select a …

A Successful Harvest Season at GMAC: Celebrating Green Mountain Arabica Coffee

As the coffee harvesting season comes to a close, we at GMAC (Green Mountain Arabica Coffee) are delighted to share the news of a fruitful and successful season. Our dedicated team of farmers has worked tirelessly to cultivate and nurture our high-quality Arabica coffee beans. Join us as we reflect on the highlights of this season and celebrate the exquisite taste and aroma of our coffee. Bountiful Harvest: The 2023 coffee harvesting season at GMAC has been nothing short of remarkable. …
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